3 Reasons We Get Heavy Periods

Women, you know what it’s like. You’re on your period. You’re bloated. It’s everywhere. You’re tired, moody, and very, very uncomfortable. You’re cramping. You’re tired of pads and tampons. You want a healthier, more natural alternative. You want a menstrual cup that doesn’t leak or cause a mess. You want a cup that’s easy to use, clean, and affordable.

Periods are a fact of life for most women. They may not be fun, but they happen, and if you have them, you have to deal with them. If this is a new concept for you, it may help to think of a period as a tiny break in a long-term relationship. It happens every three to seven days, and it’s a simple part of what women go through every month.

The purpose of this period is to nourish the egg and uterus. During this process, women will notice their body is more sensitive to the flow of blood and hormones, which causes changes in emotions and mood and irritability and tiredness. If you are lucky, you will have few problems with your period. It can be controlled, predictable, and painless. However, this is not always the case. If you are unlucky, you will experience heavy, painful periods that are impossible to predict or control. This is referred to as PCOS or polycystic ovarian syndrome.

Heavy periods are a common symptom of a number of conditions that affect the reproductive system. These can include menstrual problems, bleeding on a lighter basis or excessive bleeding. Heavy periods are periods that are so painful that you can’t even get dressed, take a shower, or get ready for work. The one time you can get up to use the restroom can be your only relief.

There are millions of women in the world who are struggling with heavy periods. Whether you are taking birth control pills, or are still unable to conceive, heavy periods can be very challenging to deal with. You might suffer from hormonal disorders that cause severe hot flashes, severe menstrual cramps, and PMS. These symptoms can be debilitating, and in some cases, may even cause weight loss. Considering the lasting effect that such conditions can bring about on your health, it is important that you consult a medical professional. This step can help you gain insight into why you experience such imbalances. For all you know, you might be suffering from a very serious issue that requires you to undergo bioidentical hormone replacement therapy to restore internal homeostasis and regularize the flow of your periods.

Heavy periods happen when your body produces too much of the hormone follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), which can cause your uterine lining to thicken, get clogged and get heavier than usual. This increases the risk of heavy periods and infertility. As it gets older, the womb becomes smaller. The uterus is the part of the body that is responsible for getting pregnant. In fact, it has been observed that this type of infertility can be prolonged for a long period, which can lead to a variety of other problems. So, if your doctor tells you that your eggs have become infertile, you may have to make the difficult decision of whether or not you want to have a child in the future. If this is the case, you may have a lot of time in hand to consider alternatives such as adoption, in which case you may be required to contact agencies that assist adoption families in having a child to care for.

Coming back to the problem of irregular and heavy periods, they might not only cause problems in your pregnancy but they won’t even let you wear a cute little dress to work or a cute little sundress to a picnic or a restaurant with your friends. They’re heavy periods that make it impossible to go to the movies with your significant other or go on vacation with your family or go to that beach. They’re heavy periods that make you want to cry in the bathroom because you can’t stop them without taking a nap (which is kind of gross) or walking around the house in the middle of the night. If you are trying to figure out why you are getting this, we have 3 reasons we get heavy periods.

  1. Not only is menstruation one of the most natural functions in women, but it’s also an extremely necessary one. When women are menstruating, they are able to have children, have a healthy pregnancy, and even survive after birth. These are all vital to the health of both men and women, yet for all these, there is still much to be done to make periods easier to deal with.
  1. Menorrhagia, or heavy menstrual bleeding, can also stem from endometriosis, a condition where tissue akin to the uterine lining grows outside the uterus. This ectopic tissue, commonly found on pelvic organs, responds to hormonal fluctuations, leading to breakdown and bleeding. The resulting inflammation and adhesions can contribute to prolonged and intense menstrual bleeding. Seeking prompt medical attention for accurate diagnosis and endometriosis management is vital, particularly when dealing with significant bleeding concerns. For instance, Pelvic Floor Therapy for Endometriosis NYC or its counterparts in different locations can offer effective solutions, emphasizing the importance of comprehensive care for those affected by this condition.
  1. Certain medications, such as oral contraceptives and anti-depressants, can also affect a woman’s monthly period. If you are taking any of these medications and your period is heavier than normal, talk to your doctor about possible alternatives.

What can help in this regard?

  • Medicines can help

  • Antifibrinolytic medicines like tranexamic acid (the brand name is Lysteda), can prove to be effective in slowing down menstrual bleeding quickly. These medicines usually work by helping the blood clotting system. However, there could be side effects, including headache and muscle cramps or pain.

  • Surgery can help with heavy and painful periods

  • Endometrial ablation, which is a minimally invasive surgical procedure, can be used in order to treat heavy menstrual bleeding. The procedure destroys the tissue in the lining of the uterus, also known as the endometrium. The endometrium is the tissue that leads to bleeding; therefore, destroying this tissue can reduce menstrual bleeding to normal or lighter levels. But before you opt for this surgical procedure, it is a must that you get to know about the risks associated with it.

    Plus, it would be a good idea to learn more about your surgeon before you surrender yourself to the process. Endometrial ablation when performed by inexperienced gynecologists can lead to thermal injuries to organs and tissues. Hence, it is better to learn whether the surgeon that you have chosen has good track history in this type of surgery. In the absence of research, you may end up choosing a healthcare professional with insufficient experience. This can further increase the chances of surgical errors for which you might have to approach a gynaecology surgery comensation solicitor who can help you file a claim against the surgeon and get you the deserved compensation.

    But all these can be avoided in the first place, only if you try to learn a bit about your doctor. Check out the feedback provided by his patients on the Web. This will give you a clear idea of whether or not you should trust him.

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