The truth is, weightlifting is one of the easiest sports to learn, but it’s not always easy to explain how to do it. Most people are scared of getting hurt every time they step on the gym floor. Most people are scared of getting muscle soreness. Most people are scared of developing bad habits. Most…
All posts by Dina Broletti
Can Acupuncture Help Us?
Acupuncture is one of the oldest forms of medicine and is commonly used today. Many people seek out acupuncture for ailments such as pain, stress, anxiety, insomnia, or depression. Acupuncture has been around for thousands of years, and it is still used to treat health problems today. It is one of the oldest medical treatments…
When Should You Start Planning for A Baby?
Having a baby is expensive, and for many couples, that’s their number one concern. Most experts will agree that starting a family should be a priority. If you are involved with a potential baby or just thinking about it, start planning now. When should you start planning for a baby? In many ways, the answer…
Key Ways To Build Endurance For Working Out
Building endurance for working out is an important skill to master in order to be able to do this for a long time. It takes time and dedication to be able to do this, and if you do not think this way, you will develop a bad attitude towards working out and will soon give…
3 Reasons We Get Heavy Periods
Women, you know what it’s like. You’re on your period. You’re bloated. It’s everywhere. You’re tired, moody, and very, very uncomfortable. You’re cramping. You’re tired of pads and tampons. You want a healthier, more natural alternative. You want a menstrual cup that doesn’t leak or cause a mess. You want a cup that’s easy to…
Why Does Comfort Food Help Us So Much?
Comfort foods are a defining feature of human existence. If you’ve ever gone without food or been forced to eat something you really don’t like, you know that the desire for something familiar is overwhelming. We even have a name for it: “comfort food.” But why do we respond so strongly to certain foods? What…
The Importance of Cardio
Cardiovascular workouts have been recommended as the best type of exercise to prevent cardiovascular disease and heart attacks for decades. When you visit your cardiologist (view more here), they will undoubtedly tell you that if you want to improve the health of your heart, exercise is the way forward. This is why there is even…